2021 Exhibitions

Bridge Space: Creative Connections

September 20 - November 27, 2021

These two collaborative paintings were made in our summer art camps for children aged five to eight. Each painting was created over the course of three days by two groups of ten children. Inspired by the paintings in the exhibition “RELATIONS: Diaspora and Painting.”

Vivek Shraya: Legends of the Trans

October 18, 2021 - February 6, 2022

Project Space

This new photographic work, inspired by the 1994 film Legends of the Fall, continues Vivek Shraya’s queering of performance, photography, and storytelling to reflect an open-ended and ever-evolving notion of herself and the immense value of non-conforming role models.

RELATIONS: Diaspora and Painting

July 24 - November 27, 2021

This group exhibition of 27 artists, curated by Cheryl Sim, explores the multiple and complex meanings of the idea of the diaspora, its condition, and its experiences as expressed in painting.

Molly JF Caldwell: With One Hand Tied Behind My Back

June 14 - October 10, 2021

Project Space

In the Project Space Ruffled, red velvet curtains part to reveal a lush, textural interior. A 30-foot tapestry, cherry red and bubble-gum pink, snakes languidly across suspended bars and chains. The hand-dyed, hand-woven tapestry is adorned with jewel-encrusted charms. Enveloped

Bridge Space: Thinking of You

June 10 - September 20, 2021

We are pleased to announce a new space on the 4th floor at Esker Foundation: Bridge: A space dedicated to young people. Thinking of You along with the exhibition Unmasking Imagination are the inaugural exhibitions in Bridge. Thinking of You explores writing,

Bridge Space: Unmasking Imagination

June 10 - September 20, 2021

We are pleased to announce a new space on the 4th floor at Esker Foundation: Bridge: A space dedicated to young people. Unmasking Imagination along with the exhibition Thinking of You are the inaugural exhibitions in Bridge. In March and

Chris Curreri: Thick Skull, Thin Skin

January 23 - June 27, 2021

Private Viewings Available – Chris Curreri’s works complicate and dissolve seemingly dichotomous states of tenderness and violence; abjection and beauty; seduction and revulsion; self and other. They suggest an unravelling of the hermetic borders that have been constructed between us, others, and…

Fin Simonetti: An Appeal to Heaven

January 23 - June 27, 2021

Fin Simonetti works with sculpture, installation, and drawing to investigate the uneasy terrain among our desire for security, states of fragility and vulnerability, and the sensorial, emotional, and psychological relationships we have to objects, bodies, and spaces. Her work adopts forms and…

Yvonne Kustec: The Garden

February 8 - June 6, 2021

Project Space

Within The Garden a human figure transforms into a dense landscape, overrun by flora and fauna. Drawing on the long history of floral work in clay, Kustec works to honour both the tradition of the craft and the delicacy and resiliency of nature through recreating its intricacies. Her…