Audio & Video

Expression Unmasked

Like everything alive that we try to hold forever

Gailan Ngan

From The Studio Floor

Robin Arseneault

Falling Off The Log

Chloë Lum & Yannick Desranleau

The Garden of a Former House Turned Museum

Farah Al Qasimi

Letters for Occasions


Diaspora and Painting

Louise Bourgeois

What is the Shape of This Problem, From the Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation

Chris Curreri

Thick Skull, Thin Skin

Fin Simonetti

An Appeal to Heaven

Liz Magor

One Bedroom Apartment

Jon Sasaki

Killing One Bird With Half A Stone

The Preparator

Doug Haslam & AvidEye Productions

Jeffrey Gibson

To Name An Other

Nep Sidhu

Divine of Form, Formed in the Divine (Medicine for a Nightmare)

Jeremy Shaw

Towards Universal Pattern Recognition

Agnes Martin

The mind knows what the eye has not seen

DaveandJenn, installation view of 'Paradise for an in-between time,' 2018. Photo by: John Dean.


Paradise for an in-between time / Cut-paper Animation

Kapwani Kiwanga

A wall is just a wall (and nothing more at all)

Mary Anne Barkhouse

Le rêve aux loups