Past Exhibitions

Lucia Hierro: Corotos y Ajuares

January 20 - April 28, 2024

Lucia Hierro is a Dominican American conceptual artist born and raised in NYC, Washington Heights/Inwood, and currently based in the South Bronx. Lucia’s practice, which includes sculpture, digital media and installation, confronts 21st century capitalism through an intersectional lens.

Angeline Simon: take more

October 23, 2023 - February 4, 2024

Project Space

Angeline Simon’s artistic practice considers her family’s diasporic experience, and the capacity of food and other everyday items to serve as conduits to her ancestral past. Continues until 4 February 2024.

Bridge Space: Discovering Choices

July 24 - December 17, 2023

The exhibition Discovering Choices features works created by students attending Discovering Choices alternative high schools. Works were created over a year of workshops led by local artists & designed to connect youth to contemporary art through making, experiential activities & dialogue.

Veronika Pausova: Fast Moving Sun

January 22 - June 26, 2022

Painter Veronika Pausova draws on figurative imagery to tell diagrammatic short stories – hands grasping, noses sniffing, fruit flies teeming – that mine the territory between animation and stasis. These figurations form a cast of recurrent characters that evolve within and between compositions…

Molly JF Caldwell: With One Hand Tied Behind My Back

June 14 - October 10, 2021

Project Space

In the Project Space Ruffled, red velvet curtains part to reveal a lush, textural interior. A 30-foot tapestry, cherry red and bubble-gum pink, snakes languidly across suspended bars and chains. The hand-dyed, hand-woven tapestry is adorned with jewel-encrusted charms. Enveloped

Bridge Space: Thinking of You

June 10 - September 20, 2021

We are pleased to announce a new space on the 4th floor at Esker Foundation: Bridge: A space dedicated to young people. Thinking of You along with the exhibition Unmasking Imagination are the inaugural exhibitions in Bridge. Thinking of You explores writing,

Bridge Space: Unmasking Imagination

June 10 - September 20, 2021

We are pleased to announce a new space on the 4th floor at Esker Foundation: Bridge: A space dedicated to young people. Unmasking Imagination along with the exhibition Thinking of You are the inaugural exhibitions in Bridge. In March and

Chris Curreri: Thick Skull, Thin Skin

January 23 - June 27, 2021

Private Viewings Available – Chris Curreri’s works complicate and dissolve seemingly dichotomous states of tenderness and violence; abjection and beauty; seduction and revulsion; self and other. They suggest an unravelling of the hermetic borders that have been constructed between us, others, and…

Fin Simonetti: An Appeal to Heaven

January 23 - June 27, 2021

Fin Simonetti works with sculpture, installation, and drawing to investigate the uneasy terrain among our desire for security, states of fragility and vulnerability, and the sensorial, emotional, and psychological relationships we have to objects, bodies, and spaces. Her work adopts forms and…