Esker Film Series: ‘Living with Coyote’

Dir. Priya Shelly

Living with Coyote, a short documentary, follows generational sheepherders and urban biologists in the American West who share a common concern: coyote presence. With rural coyotes predating on lambs in the Rocky Mountain ranges and urban coyotes feasting on garbage, small pets, and fruit trees in suburban/urban areas, killing the problem coyote seems like a great quick fix. Contrary to this belief, there is no simple solution. Living with Coyote delves into the complexities of keeping our wild neighbours on the land that we share and raises awareness on the importance of human responsibility and stewardship.

Dir. Priya Shelly, DP. Shaka Brookes, 2015, 19 mins.

Registration essential.

We are excited to partner with local bakery, Sidewalk Citizen who will be providing complimentary treats, inspired by and accompanying every screening this fall.

Thursday, November 16th 2017 @, 7-7:20pm