WORKSHOP: Pressed Flowers Collage with Kay Kei

Artists have been inspired by plants, minerals, pigments, and other materials from the natural world to create art for thousands of years, as reflected in Mel O’Callaghan’s exhibition Pulse of the PlanetWe invite you to join artist Kay Kei in exploring part of this storied history with a pressed flower collage workshop. Enjoy learning the basics of the traditional Japanese art form of Oshibana (押し花), an intricate and delicate art style that requires the drying and thoughtful arrangement of flowers and plants.

Kay Kei is a pressed flower artist, certified pressed flower tutor, and art educator. Kay grew up in Hong Kong and received a BFA in photographic design, and moved to Calgary in 2021 to continue her studies. She has been engaged in botanical art creation and art education for 18 years. She is currently a pressed flower instructor of “Japan Wonderful Oshibana Club”.

Registration essential. Activities are geared for participants 16+

Friday, August 18th 2023 @, 6-9pm