Spielraum: The Nation Loves it & Spielraum: Give Expression to Common Desires

A special screening event will accompany Jasmina Cibic’s immersive installation, presenting the artist’s first and second chapters of her trilogy, Spielraum. In the first chapter – The Nation Loves It – an actress (Mother Nation) is shown practicing a political speech that endorses a new national architectural monument. Collaged together from political speeches on art and architecture including those by Mitterrand, Margaret Thatcher, Hitler, Khrushchev, and Truman, the film sets out Spielraum’s premise on soft power investigation and patterns characteristic of systems of national power.

In Spielraum’s second chapter – Give Expression to Common Desires – the artist focuses more closely on the theatrical properties of the patriotic spectacle. Filmed in its entirety inside Cibic’s performative installation at Ludwig Museum Budapest, this short film re-envisions national representative architecture as an exhibition prop, a framing device that politics uses when enacting protocol rituals and asserting control.

Dir. Jasmina Cibic, 2015, 20 mins.

Registration recommended.

Sunday, October 16th 2016 @, 3-3:20pm