All-Ages Drop-In Collage Pizza Party

Come hang out, snack, and embrace the freedom and fun of cut-and-paste!
All-ages drop-in.

In conjunction with their Project Space installation HEADSPACE artist May G N, and collaborating youth artists Lizzy Moorhead, Sid Smillie, and Zabdi, are hosting a drop-in collage pizza party. Everyone is welcome to come hang out, snack, and embrace the freedom and fun of cut-and-paste!

“Well, collage is just so easy to do. It takes all the skill out of things, and boils art-making down to decisions, intent, and preferences. It takes out the fear of making mistakes, or wondering if your art is good enough. It’s also cheap; anyone can afford to do it, and best of all, it involves taking control of your environment and repurposing it for something unique to you. Collage is beautiful for that.”

– May G N, in conversation with someone she just met, probably

Pizza was provided.


Friday, January 27th 2023 @, 6-8pm