Press Release: Winter Exhibitions 2019 - Neil Campbell, Jeremy Shaw, and Glenna Cardinal
"Esker Foundation is excited to present our winter exhibition season: Neil Campbell, Jeremy Shaw, and new work by Glenna Cardinal in the Project Space"
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Neil Campbell, Saskatchewan, 2004. Courtesy of the artist, Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; and Office Baroque, Brussels.

Neil Campbell, 'Big Rubber' 2012. Courtesy of the artist and Galleria Franco Noero, Turin; and Office Baroque, Brussels.

Jeremy Shaw, 'I Can See Forever' (still), 2018. HD video installation with 5.1 soundtrack. Courtesy of the artist, KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin/London, and Macaulay & Co. Fine Art, Vancouver. 'I Can See Forever' was co-produced by Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg and KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, with support from the Canada Council for the Arts; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Kunstverein Hamburg, and the Esker Foundation Commission Fund, Calgary.

Jeremy Shaw, 'I Can See Forever' (still), 2018. HD video installation with 5.1 soundtrack. Courtesy of the artist, KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin/London, and Macaulay & Co. Fine Art, Vancouver. 'I Can See Forever' was co-produced by Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg and KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, with support from the Canada Council for the Arts; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Kunstverein Hamburg, and the Esker Foundation Commission Fund, Calgary.

Jeremy Shaw, 'I Can See Forever' (still), 2018. HD video installation with 5.1 soundtrack. Courtesy of the artist, KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin/London, and Macaulay & Co. Fine Art, Vancouver. Co-produced by Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg and KÖNIG GALERIE with support from the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Esker Foundation Commission Fund, Calgary, and Kunstverein Hamburg.

Jeremy Shaw, 'Quickeners,' 2014. HD video installation with original soundtrack, 28:21 min (still). Courtesy of the artist and KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin/London. 'Quickeners' was co-produced by the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève and Johann König, Berlin for the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2014, with the generous support of the British Columbia Arts Council.

Jeremy Shaw, 'Liminals,' 2017. HD video installation with 5.1 soundtrack, 19:34 min (still). Courtesy of the artist and KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin/London. 'Liminals' was realized in part with generous support from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Canadian Embassy in Rome and KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, for the 57th Venice Biennale.

Jeremy Shaw, 'Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (MM Pastors 2.1.01)' 2016. kaleidoscopic acrylic, chrome, archival colour photograph. Private collection.

Jeremy Shaw, 'Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Detroit Anniversary Prayer, 1987),' 2017. kaleidoscopic acrylic, chrome, archival colour photograph. Private collection.